What is your first thought when you hear the word 'Autism'?
Do you feel frightened, sad or helpless? Or more importantly, do you think it is untreatable?
We at Stop Calling it Autism! (SCIA) are on a mission to tell the world that autism is a set of symptoms caused by a medical illness.
What is autism and our approach to treatment
Autism is caused by a medical illness in which the brain's immune system (microglia) attacks the connections in the brain. This leads to developmental delays that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral problems.
Our approach to treat autism and enable recovery is to inhibit microglial activation, which from evidence is known to destroy brain connections affecting brain development and function.
We at SCIA have designed and published a treatment protocol centered on this.

Microglia: The brain's immune system cell behind autism.
Here is what some parents had to say post treatment
8 years old boy - Texas, USA
"My son was severely autistic when he was 2 years old. Now at 8 he is 100% cured from autism. He has now been off all medications for 2 years! Now he plays basketball, baseball, and has perfect speech"
5 years old girl - Puerto Rico
"My daughter started repeating words after one month in the protocol. This protocol is the only one in which we have seen improvements thisquickly."
3 years old boy - Lima, Peru
"During the first 3 months in the protocol my son hasn't had any ear infections, doesn't complaint about pain like before. Eye contact has markedly improved. Better speech and much more!"
The future of brain science has arrived!
Medical article that explains how microglial activation leads to autism and almost every associated neurological and medical symptom.
Evidence of microglial activation in autism and its possible role in brain underconnectivity

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The SCIA treatment protocol is a new way of treating autism by inhibiting microglial activation.